How Are Banana Chips Made In Factories?

Market Analysis Of Banana Chips
Before understanding how are banana chips made in the factories, let’s take a look at its market.In general, the market demand for bananas remains high. Bananas are mainly concentrated in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean countries, Southeast Asia, tropical Pacific regions, especially Latin America, the dominant global banana export economy. Bananas have therefore become an important source of income for many countries.
banana chips analysis
There are many foods made from bananas, among which banana chips are very popular. With the rapid growth of the snack market for banana chips, many banana chip factories have also continued to expand, because the development of banana chip business may become a profitable investment. But it is not easy to start a business related to the banana chip factory. Maybe for novices, they don't know how are banana chips made in factories? Here I will briefly introduce how the banana chips in the factory are made? Let you have the outline of a banana processing plant in your mind.
Flow Chart Of Banana Chips Production In The Factory
According to the size of the factory's production scale, the production of banana chips can be divided into semi-automatic and fully automatic. The flowchart below mainly shows the fully automatic production method, which is also preferred by many manufacturers. banana chips line flow chart

In the banana chip processing plant, its production process mainly includes these: banana selection-banana slices cutting-banana chips cleaning-banana chips air-drying-banana chips fried-banana chips deoiling- banana chips seasoning-banana chips packaging.
Video Of Making Banana Chips In The Factory
Through the above flowchart, you will probably know how are banana chips made in factories
, but watching the YouTube video below will give you a more intuitive experience.

Precautions For Making Banana Chips In The Factory
  1. The choice of bananas: Bananas are growing all year round, and the output is abundant, so there will be a continuous supply of goods for the processing plants. But when making banana chips, not all varieties are suitable. The more widely used banana chips are: plantain, Cavendish, saba and so on. So choose the right banana variety. You can do a market research or look up information online to help you just start your business.
  2. The choice of the machine; the machine is like a foundation. When choosing a machine, choose according to your own output requirements, the ratio of raw materials to finished products, the area of the factory, and so on.