How To Make Plantain Chips With Ripe Plantains

Unlike bananas, plantain is not sweet and has low sugar content. As plantains mature, their color will become yellower and sweeter. It will also be more suitable for making plantain chips. Perhaps you will ask how to make plantain chips with ripe plantains? In fact, the production process is very simple, roughly including peeling, slicing, frying, seasoning, packaging and selling.
 plantain chips production
Peel The Plantains
With the help of manual peeling, sometimes it may be a little difficult to peel because the skin is hard.
Plantain Slices
The peeled banana is sliced, and the thickness of the plantain slice can be adjusted according to your needs.
Plantain Chips Fried
Frying is an important process, directly from mature plantains to crisp plantain slices.The plantain chips fried by a good plantain chips making machine are not only crispy and delicious, but also beautiful in color.
plantain chips frying and packing machine
Plantain Chips To Season
Condiments are the soul of plantain chips. Seasoned plantain chips will have more flavor choices to meet different taste needs.
Plantain Chips Packaging And Sale
If you want to extend the shelf life of plantain slices, you must pack them appropriately. Packaged plantain slices can also be used for sale.
The above is the general process of plantain production. If you want to know more details about how to make plantain chips with ripe plantains, you can leave a message to me.