How to Make Plantain Chips Step by Step?

Plantain chips are a popular casual snack with crispy and tasty characteristics. But how to make plantain chips step by step? Its production process mainly includes peeling, slicing, frying, degreasing, flavoring and packaging. We describe each step in detail below.
how to make plantain chips step by step 
1. Peeling
The first step in producing plantain chips is peeling. Fresh plantain first need to be selected to remove blemished or substandard plantain. The plantain are then peeled using specialized peeling equipment. This step requires the operator to take care to ensure that the plantain flesh is not damaged.
2. Slicing
After peeling, the plantain will move on to slicing. A slicer is used to cut the plantain into uniformly thin slices, usually between 1 and 2 millimeters thick. The key to this step is to ensure that the slices are uniformly sliced to ensure that each slice is heated evenly and has a consistent flavor during the subsequent frying process.
3. Frying
The cut plantain slices will be fed into the frying equipment for frying. The temperature and time of frying need to be strictly controlled, generally the oil temperature is maintained between 170-180 degrees Celsius, and the frying time is about 2-3 minutes. During the frying process, constant stirring is required to ensure that each slice of plantain is evenly heated and fried until golden brown and crispy.
4. Degreasing
After frying, plantain chips need to be degreased to remove excess oil. Degreasing can be done by using a centrifugal degreaser, which shakes out the oil from the surface of the plantain chips by rotating them at high speed. After degreasing, plantain chips are much less greasy, more refreshing and healthier.
5. Flavoring

After degreasing the plantain slices, they will move on to seasoning. Depending on different taste requirements, you can add appropriate amount of seasoning, such as salt, sugar, honey or other spices. During the seasoning process, care should be taken to stir evenly so that each slice of plantain is evenly coated with the seasoning to achieve the desired taste effect.
6. Packaging
The final step is packaging. Packaging is done to maintain its crispy flavor and freshness. The packaging process can be done by using an automatic packaging machine that dispenses the plantain chips into food-grade bags at a certain weight. The bags should be well sealed to prevent air from entering and extend the shelf life of the product.
These are the main steps in producing plantain chips. Each step is crucial and only by strictly controlling the quality of each step can we produce delicious and healthy plantain chips. With modernized production process and plantain chips production equipment, the factory can efficiently produce a large quantity of high quality plantain chips to meet the market demand.